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Jehily Natural

Anti-Hair Loss And Growth Dropper/ Gotero anti caida y crecimiento.

Anti-Hair Loss And Growth Dropper/ Gotero anti caida y crecimiento.

Regular price $35.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $35.00 USD
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Anti-hair loss and growth dropper.
This Dropper is designed to strengthen hair follicles, stopping hair loss
making it grow healthy and strong.
Method of use: apply to the scalp before or after washing.
If you use it after washing, it does not come off. For better results, use constantly.

Gotero anticaida y crecimiento.
Este Gotero está diseñado para fortalecer los folículos capilares
deteniendo la caída haciéndolo crecer sano y fuerte.
Forma de uso: aplicar en el cuero cabelludo antes o después del lavado.
Si lo utiliza después del lavado no se retira.
Para mayor resultado uso constante.

Ingredientes: bio rosematy extract, bio cinamon extract bio ginger extract,water, glicerina, propanediol, Caffeine, taurine,biótico,vaccinum myrtillus,fruit extracto, capsium annuum fruit extract , camelallia sinensis extract, vitis conífera, leaf extract, hamamelis virginian, trifolium pratense, hydrolized proteína,
Vit E, vit b2,reparage, follicusam.

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